Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blast from the past- random Durham picture of the week

Well, this is a family pic, taken in March of 1952. I'll quote directly form the old man himself below. I think what strikes me as the most humorous about this pic is that it's supposed to be Durham Cooperative Nursery School. Check out the barbed wire fence- didn't look so cooperative to me. Of course, kids weren't so fat like they are today and in better shape (according to the popular media anyway), so they could have scaled the fence and voila! they're over the wall and free to wreak havoc on the population. There were probably some knock out drops in those lollipops I bet! A little forced "cooperation" at the "cooperative" school.

"This is a picture taken March, 1952, when a Police Officer came to talk with our kindergarden class.  It was called at the time the Durham Cooperative Nursery School, and was located on Memorial St. behind the Duke Memorial Methodist Church across the street from the Police Dept. on Chapel Hill.  In the background is the building that housed Durham Dairy Processing Plant, and the retail ice cream shop of theirs.  The Police Officer is Eric Haithcock, who retired from the department as a Lt. in the Detective Bureau.  I knew him in the late '60's and haven't seen him since he retired.  He was a real character.  Notice also in the background the old car with the spare tire on the running board/fender. I am in front of Haithcock and turned around as the picture was taken.  The tall building in the right background is the tobacco company across the railroad tracks."

1 comment:

  1. Dave, I am helping to organize the 2009 Preservation Durham Ghost [building] Tour and am interested in using this photograph for the walk. Would you be willing to send me a larger version of it?

    Thanks. You can reach me at asedmonds AT
