Thursday, March 5, 2009

Well, you thought your DMV photo was bad...

Many moons ago Durham had some wild streets (ok, feel free to stop laughing whenever). So, I thought I’d scan this old fingerprint card that the PD threw away. This gentleman, lets say it was “Bob” (for identity theft reasons I can’t ID him, even if this guy isn’t still alive his name and fingerprints are on the back, which is enough to help set up a fake identity), apparently tied one on big time. And notice the date- Happy Halloween! Too much rum in the ole’ Halloween punch? I think the best part of this thing is that he LOOKS drunk (if you don’t know how drunk people look, print this out and carry it as a reference).

I have no idea if that address even exists anymore if it the house is still standing. But they say the ghost of the old white drunk guy still walks the street on All Hallow’s Eve….

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