Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Durham, an Industrial Behemoth!

Well, not really. But at one time with the tobacco factories and what not Durhaam was an industrial city- along with hosiery and cloth mills to boot. But, as everything does, this heydey came to an end, with the demise of the textile manufacturing and the fall of big tobacco.

Durham has been featured in numerous trade magazines and articles and has been in advertisements ranging from cars and trucks to water towers. At one time the Bull City was on the cutting edge.

Take the advertisement above for Ford Trucks. Note the quote from Frank Bennett, FD chief at the time (I think he lived on Markham Ave, am I mistaken in this belief?). This was back when fire trucks were based on actual trucks converted for FD use. These days they are custom built chassis, usually mated with a commercially available diesel engine (the same thing has happened to limousines too).

Anyone interested in obtaining one of these ads need not look very hard- they are very common, and most can be had for under $10 a piece.